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Home   Product   Pyropass Evolution RPT Capping Upstand

Pyropass Evolution RPT Capping Upstand-1
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Pyropass Evolution RPT Capping Upstand

Renovation - Waterproof roof


The PYROPASS EVOLUTION RPT is a CFLR mainly designed for smoke and heat extraction and roof access for stairwells. It is used for renovation or refurbishment in all types of buildings (ERP, ERT, industrial buildings). It is used for renovation or refurbishment in all types of buildings (ERP, ERT, industrial buildings), and is specially designed for stairwells. The RPT version is a 100% thermally broken skylight, with frames made of aluminium sections with double polyamide thermal breaks and insulating air louvres. In its RPT version, the PYROPASS is available in 3 energy versions: winch, pneumatic and electric. So it meets all the specific needs of construction sites.


The infills available for this unit range from 16mm PCA to double glazing, guaranteeing excellent acoustic insulation and enhanced thermal performance. 
This unit minimises heat loss thanks to its thermal break and air permeability