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Home   Product   Airdôme

Picto comfort-ventilation Picto eclairement-zenithal


Waterproof roof


AIRDÔME® is a skylight used on flat roofs with waterproofing, for all types of buildings (ERP, ERT, industrial buildings).

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Available in Origin' and Thermik' range :
In order to meet the requirements of the new thermal standards, the AIRDÔME® is available in two ranges :

Find all the values of thermal conductance according to the dimensions of the skylight on our utility.

Three possible energies :

• Manual opening: thanks to the action of a crankshaft on a worm screw with a stroke of 175 mm.

Electric opening: thanks to the action of an electric cylinder with a 300 mm stroke connected to the electrical network (220 volts).

Optimized air renewal :
The different opening positions allow you to adjust the height of the opening according to the desired fresh air supply.

Improves comfort in the building :
Opening the AIRDÔME® increases the circulation of fresh air and reduces the temperature and humidity inside the building.


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